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Body concept

Scrub Gourmet

Exfoliation and cleansing

Body scrub with an active formula and an appetizing, ultra-sensory texture. It smoothes the skin and purifies it deep down, leaving it soft and firm.
5 x 2.1 oz


Kiwi Chlorophyll Spirulina


Massage the product on slightly damp skin – for a gentler scrub – or on dry skin – for a greater exfoliating effect – focusing on the rougher parts (elbows, knees, heels and feet), then rinse. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week, in the shower or bath.

Body Concept

Feel Good, Look Good

A wide range of products offers customized and versatile solutions for the wellbeing and the beauty of the body. Safe and advanced formulas reduce the visibility of the blemishes caused by cellulite, water retention, local adiposity, sagging and aged skin.



Body Concept

Body Concept

A wide range of treatments aimed to different body blemishes offers targeted, efficient and safe beauty solutions. A tested working method, made of high performing application protocols, formulas and functional massages, that allow the beauty specialists to develop highly customizable treatments, according to the needs of every customer.
